Receptacles - Interposers - Adapters 

Innovative Ways To Solve Existing Interconnect Challenge



Receptacles are the interface between the socket and circuit board when testing chips. If the through hole socket breaks down, do not throw away the board or spend time re-soldering a new through hole socket in place. Just use your Goldtec receptacle to connect another through hole socket and continue testing. 


Goldtec designs and manufactures a wide variety of chip, board and socket adapters which could be used to convert from one footprint to most other footprints taking into account I/O assignments. Adapters could also be used to convert new test sockets to allow usage of existing test configuration.


Interposers function is to connect a pitch translating board and an existing board. Its interface between a device, a pitch translation board and an existing board that has different pitch then the device. If the device and the board have a different pitch, do not remake another device or build a new board, Just use your Goldtec interposer to connect the device and the existing board.  An excellent way of saving the cost of test.
